![]() AMIS is a multi-biometric system for real-time identification of large groups of individuals (hundreds of millions) using their unique biometric credentials such as fingerprints, face, iris, voice, handwriting and more. Global trusted BioLink AMIS project portfolio contains tens of successful implementations all over the world. Among the most notable projects are the Nigerian Voter ID System encompassing over 60 million people, Population Census of Angola covering about 7.5 million people and so on. System provides a robust and effective mechanism of identity assurance and protection of identification documents and data contained in them against fraud or forgery. BioLink AMIS is applicable for a wide spectrum of Civil ID applications that require fast, simple and reliable real-time identification. Voter ID![]() BioLink Biometric Voter Registration System helps ensure that each voter’s identity is verified fast and accurate on the Elections Day. Its state-of-art multibiometric identification technology prevents election fraud and facilitates voters processing to avoid long queues. In 2003 BioLink AMIS was used by the Independent Nigerian Election Commission (INEC) to enroll estimated 60 million voters in a centralized voter ID database. Learn More » Case Study: Nigeria Voter ID System »Driver Licenses![]() Driver licenses are widely used in many countries as a standard proof of identity that is why the security of these documents needs to match the security standards of the National IDs. BioLink AMIS provides high-performance biometric identification technology to ensure fast and reliable verification of the license holder, eliminate duplicate and fraudulent driver license. Learn more » Case Study: BioLink AMIS in Hawaii Driver Licenses Program »E-passports![]() Many countries are now adopting E-passports to create a highly secure integrated system encompassing immigration, automated border control and passport issuance while ensuring the genuineness of the holder as a valid citizen. BioLink AMIS can help government agencies ensure transparency while maintaining ease of exit/ entry of citizens without the holders being harassed unnecessarily. Its fast and reliable verification technology is able to process millions of individuals facilitating travel without compromising national security. Case Study: Nigerian ECOWAS E-Passport (6.5 million people) »Border Control![]() Border control is imperative for national security. Fast and reliable verification is a challenging task when a country needs to welcome millions of tourists and at the same time prevent dangerous individuals from entering. BioLink AMIS helps government agencies perform two crucial roles: securing a country from acts of terrorism and assuring that goods arriving are legitimate and that appropriate duties and fees are paid fast and accurate Law Enforcement![]() BioLink AFIS is an automated fingerprint and palm print identification system designed for the creation and maintenance of large databases of tenprints, fingers, and palm latents collected from crime scenes. BioLink AFIS offers local, regional, and national law enforcement agencies a robust system to solve a wide range of vital tasks including real-time identification by a single print when performing in-the-field identity checks, identification of the unknown dead etc. Learn more » Social Service Programs![]() Biometric technology helps government agencies ensure accurate identification of individuals entitled for particular social benefits and track how many times this individual used their services. BioLink AMIS can help responsible agencies issue benefits and free services to eligible individuals by providing fast and reliable verification. This helps increase both the accountability of the government support and facilitate processing when submitting applications for social benefits and support. Case Study: Homeless Person Identification System in San Francisco (150,000 people) » |