The largest commercial bank of Kazakhstan implements BioLink IDenium for fast, secure and convenient way of accessing the corporate apps and information systems.
The project covers the development and implementation of the custom application allowing for biometric identification by fingerprints of medical workers making use of the Quintiles Centralized Electrocardiogram (QECG) service running on the Citrix platform.
The Nigerian government (Western Africa) represented by the Independent Nigerian Election Commission (INEC) selected BioLink to implement a biometric-based voter registration system to ensure the unique enrollment of an estimated 60 million voters.
BioLink participated in a large identification project to create the population register of Angola citizens based on the database containing their biometric identifiers (fingerprints). The project covering the whole country totals over 7.5 million people.
Nigerian ECOWAS Electronic Smart Passport (6.5 million people) |
BioLink Solutions delivers its core AFIS technologies to build a biometric matching engine for Harmonized ECOWAS Electronic Smart Passport project in Nigeria.
BioLink is engaged in the design and implementation of the Electronic Passport System in Senegal involving fingerprinting of the Senegalese crossing the country’s borders.